Friday, September 28, 2012

There Is More To You Than The Eyes Can See

Every one that has ever walked the face of the earth had unique qualities that singles them out from the rest. This quality could be positive or negative. Their looks, choice of food, mode of dressing, habits, genetic makeup, etc. These features give them tier distinctiveness.
In all of these, can there be a finite analysis of who a person is by just looking at them?
No Man on earth can totally define you. They could only try to analyze what they see and understand about you but your true essence remains to them  mystery.

If you are a child of God, born of water and Spirit,then, you are a lot more different. Everything you are is totally defying of norms. The status quo could never describe you because you are not of this world.
The bible tells that when a man's ways pleases the lord, even his enemy shall be at peace with Him. How logical is that? Totally illogical, i must say. But then, The ways of the lord are not our ways. His wisdom is never ending and His judgements are beyond questioning.
Being  a human being is so much. It means that you are on top of the nature chain. Every creature is meat to be beneath you. Notwithstanding, there have been issues where men tried to portray their superiority over God's creatures but failed. Why did this happen?

According to the Bible inGenesis, the story of creation was revealed. it was told that God created everything on earth and beyond before hHe created man. afterwards, he declard his next mission statement as this "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."Gen 1:26
  For the Purpose Of this article, we would be analysing this text to see what really makes man unique beyond the sight.

1) Let Us Make Man: According to earlier verses, other creations were called to be. But man was "Made". There was to be details in his making. He was to have unique abilities that would integrate unimaginable technological effects.
2) In Our own image: isn't that great. God is making a being in His own Image. pay attention to the plurality of the word "our Own Image" this means that God made man with the appearance that will humbe other creatures on earth.
3) In Our Likeness: This phrase defines our abilities. it tells that we have elemental abilities that overwhelms every being o earth. If God is infinite beyond all the universe, he realm of tten man was made to be infinite within the earth.
4) And let them rule over....: This Says it all. It serves as a modifier for all that has been said from the previous line. We are not just another creature on the face of the earth, we are "The Ultimate Creature" that there is on the face of the earth. No wonder the science of evolution says that all other creatures would evolve toward the features of man's physiology and intelligence.

All these things are wonderful but is not evident in a regular man's life. Why?

"And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:"
(KJV). Ge 3:22

Remember in Chapter 1:26 says "Let us Make Man In Our own image, after Our likeness". But we have it in chatpter three that Man has become as One of God. The plurality of the true nature of God has gone from man and he is now reduced to a creature of unitary and static characteristic, "knowing good and evil".

For anyone to experience the true nature of God once again, that sinful nature must be blown away and a newness in the knowledge of God must be embraced. The scripture says that God's people perish because they lack knowledge. As a child of God, one wih the desire to be like our heavenly father, you must be soaked in the word of God and let it saturate you. Only in so doing will you renew you mind and quicken your spirit to be like God.
God loves you and has made arrangements for you to be restored to your former glory. He has given his son, the Lord Jesus Christ as a token of Love and has bought us from our bondage to sin (the knowledge of good and evil) into the kngdom of his dear son (the knowledge of His true likeness).

I beseech you, live your life in the grace of God and watch yourself grow into a mini-god.

God Bless you